1. Properly Defining Cryptoassets: Developing appropriate and functional definitions of cryptoassets is a critical first step in ensuring clarity about the regulatory requirements that are applicable to the technology. Given that new technologies can be deployed in many different ways, and that new use cases are constantly being developed, cryptoassets should be defined and regulated based on the underlying activity or use case. Adopting tailored definitions for specific activities and use cases will balance the need to appropriately regulate activity against the harms that might arise from sweeping definitions that inadvertently regulate other activities and use cases, while encouraging innovation that benefits consumers, businesses, and the economy.

2. Tailoring Regulations to the Risk Profile of the Participant/Activity: Appropriate regulation of cryptoassets is key to unlocking their potential while ensuring the safety and soundness of the payments ecosystem. Entities engaging with cryptoassets should be subject to regulation that is tailored to the risks that they or the activity in which they are engaged poses to the payments ecosystem. Appropriate regulation of cryptoassets should consider potential harm to consumers as well as safety, soundness, and financial stability risks.

3. Ensuring Consumer Protection: The public policy governing cryptoassets should include a framework of standards and rules that appropriately safeguard the privacy and security of every transaction, protect consumers’ interests, and give consumers confidence to use the technology for in-person and online transactions. Policymakers should also ensure that consumers understand those protections and how they may differ from those offered by other payment methods. The ability to identify and reduce fraud is critical and should be part of the regulatory framework.

4. Harmonizing With Existing Regulatory Frameworks: The payments industry is heavily regulated, and the adoption of any new laws or regulations governing cryptoassets should be designed to fit within this established, robust, regulatory framework. This framework includes federal and state laws relevant to anti-money laundering, economic sanctions, and other anti-fraud and consumer protection requirements. New public policies for cryptoassets should complement, and not conflict with, existing laws and regulations as well as private sector rules and practices.

5. Encouraging Responsible Innovation: Continual investment in innovation is at the heart of past, present, and future improvements to the financial ecosystem. Our financial system has benefited greatly from the development of new technologies and capabilities, which serve to strengthen cybersecurity and consumer protection, increase efficiencies, and expand access to financial services. As a technology, cryptoassets have the potential to further many of these developments and promote new innovation and developments. Accordingly, any regulation of cryptoassets should consider the technology’s promise to improve existing capabilities while serving as a catalyst and platform for continued innovation.

Credits to S Talbott